After years of helping others’ visions come to life, founder and CEO of SAS Movie Studios, Shawn Anthony Sequeira, is finally working on his own feature film. Shawn’s Christian values are heavily reflected in his work. His morals are being instilled through his vision of making a difference in the Hollywood film industry. Set in the modern-day, Shawn’s upcoming feature film exhibits his Christian beliefs.

SAS Movie Studios has been extensively searching for the past three months for the perfect fit for the roles in his film. The search for actors and actresses for this new film has led SAS Movie Studios to branch out into yet another division: SAS Casting! Auditions have been going on for a few months in various different locations including SAS Los Angeles Office, Las Vegas, and more. We’ve seen thousands of talented actors and are still continuing our search.
As we continue with our rounds of in-house auditions in our Downtown Los Angeles Office, our casting team members along with our interns meet with lots of fresh, new talent. The actors have the opportunity to audition for our upcoming film and show off their acting skills. They also get to interact with our team members as they wait for their audition, getting all the inside scoop on our new casting division and upcoming feature film.

Each auditioned person is considered based off their looks and talent to be given the role that best suits them. Their audition is taped and rewatched by several members of our casting crew and executives to get different perspective opinions. Our casting crew has also been working extensively, watching 100s of additional self-taped auditions that are sent in. As our search continues, we are finding plenty of diverse talent to be recruited into our casting division and be considered for any future projects, including but not limited to photo shoots, commercials, TV shows, featured films, etc.

Looking to take your acting career to the next level? Lead your casting Hollywood goals with SAS Casting. SAS Casting is here to cater acting opportunities to our large and diverse pools of talent for new & upcoming featured films, TV shows, commercials, photoshoots, events, and many more projects. With 17 years of movie industry experience, SAS continues to grow with its many locations throughout the United States.
*Include Resume & Headshot with submission*